Hotel image
    Limited rooms available
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    Accommodation for the Wedding of Ella & Harley

    This is an example page where guests can book their accommodation for the wedding and secure best-available rates. Once a guest books here, they will receive an automatic confirmation and you will be able to track it in the TTO platform.

    Select the dates of your stay

    2 nights

    Hotel image
    Limited rooms available
    Please choose your hotel & room:
    The hotels have been carefully selected for this event.

    These are the best rates online, specifically negotiated for this private event.


    It's still too early and rates haven't been released yet. Check back soon to access the special rates for the event!

    Photo of Nina
    Any specific accommodations requests?

    Our guest concierge Nina can help you with specific room requests or booking modifications with access to exclusive rates — just let us know.

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    Check out That's The One, The modern software for wedding planning.

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